In order to discover other countries’ experience of urban development, infrastructure, community building among neighbours and possibilities to change things for the better, five DVOR 3.0 participants and two Laolaltă colleagues visited the Latvian capital Riga between 22-26 January.
Among the host organisations, who shared their expertise and best practices with our group, were the Riga City Development Department, MadCityLab, Riga Energy Efficiency Agency, Danish Culture Baltic, Wishkali – platform for social innovations and NVO ziņas (Riga NGO House), as well as the Riga Neighbourhood Coordinators.
Participants enthusiastically returned saying that the experience was authentic and inspiring.
“A useful aspect for me was to see the involvement of residents in the process of organizing the common spaces, including through community events,” said Victor Lucinschi, DVOR participant.
Community leaders highlighted not only the value of the information gained, but also the significant impact this experience will have on their activities.
“Inspiration, being able to have something to compare with and to aim for, will help me a lot with activities, community, as well as in my everyday life”, said Cristina Kifa, DVOR participant.
Mariana Agleanov, DVOR project coordinator, pointed out that during the study visit, participants explored the notion of resilient communities, where the community is not only a geographical space, but also a human network, where each individual brings his or her unique contribution.
“Now, more than ever, there is a need to create premises where collaboration between the inhabitants of the city, the district, the DVOR – is not just a goal, but the solid foundation of a healthy society. It is worth mentioning that collaboration with the authorities and organisations involved in monitoring activities of the authorities are important components of this stage, bringing transparency and accountability in decision-making processes related to urban development.”
Through the DVOR programme, we are determined to bring positive change and share inspiration in the community. We invite everyone to follow us to witness our ongoing journey of urban development and active engagement!
The DVOR 3.0 edition is organized by the LAOLALTĂ, with financial support from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).